
Full Fun Day

Lovely Saturday.

I got to sleep, so right there: today was a win.
I intruded on a booth full of freshman and heard an original poem and generally enjoyed myself. So thank you, Burgundy for that particular opportunity.
Tutoring went well and I think we are making good progress. Praise the Lord. Because I just do not think Physical Science was my strong suit.
Starbucks was lovely as always.
Sergeant at Arms stuff was mildly frustrating, but relatively productive, and also really filled my Amazon cart.
Dinner with Dixie, Unicorn and the Egyptian, who is wildly hilarious. He’s horrified that I don’t like people.
Skyping with the DFL.


I got up at 8 am.
On a Saturday.
Of my own volition.
Because Samantha and her mother picked me up from the dorm and we went to the Indi art show. I cannot tell you how much I enjoyed that. It was so. Much. Fun. There was so much good stuff…so many artistic…so many creative…I nearly died. My brain was melting. I couldn’t handle it.

Then I went to Samantha’s house and we were both very good little girls and studied. We actually got a lot of homework done. I’m very proud of us.
Did I tell anyone…I’m taking Greek? Apparently they believe in not using normal punctuation, BUT they do believe in certain pieces of our punctuation to mean completely different things. So not only does the “p” make the “r” sound, but the semicolon also makes a question. Fantastic.
(except I’m still really loving it)

Tonight was induction. GO MUSTANGS. After strewing streamers and balloons around our area, we then created a human welcoming arch for all twelve new Mustangs. We then covered all the officers in shaving cream, played Drip, Drip, Splash (instead of Duck, Duck, Goose. You fill in the blanks), and then messy Twister.
And now I’m exhausted. And ready for bed.
So off to prayer group.
Good evening, y’all.

More First Things

So many firsts again this week…Today was the first Saturday back on campus, my first day back not working at IT, my first meal in the new Dining Common, my first time meeting my other roommate and both sets of my roommates’ parents…

Last night, I was asleep before 9. Which meant that I woke up naturally at 8 this morning. Which was really weird. To offset the weird, I rolled over and promptly went back to sleep until 9:30. That made me feel better, so I got up and went for a “run”. Which looked more like me hobbling one time around the loop behind the girls’ dorms and wheezing like an old smoker. My asthma does not approve of humidity, apparently.

I then spent the day socializing. Which was also weird, since I’ve basically been a hermit this week, what with hiding in my room after work and going to bed before it’s actually dark outside. I met all of roommates, talked to them and their families a bit, fellowshipped with Twigg and Georgia stopped by for the day. Which was absolutely lovely. We even walked to Starbucks together (hallelujah for buy one/get one free coupons!).

The new dining common is quite impressive. And being the awkward little introvert I am, I am thrilled that there are smaller tables. Thrilled. Like, I can’t even tell you how happy it makes me not to have to observe the “courtesy leper chair” or find a spot that’s not too crowded or experience the frustration of having an entire 20 seat table taken over by only 6 people.
Also, it looks really nice and although I’m currently confused about where everything goes now, I’m sure I’ll figure it out. Not to mention, there are maps. Which cracked this little Florida tourist up. I might just snag one for scrapbook purposes. Whenever I actually start scrapbooking one day (LOL).

And, because I thought it pertinent and an adequate example of Chili’s love, I will now insert a FB post of my cousin, Virginia:
“Story time! I was at Chili’s today, and the balloon guy came around and made me a hat and sword, then he told me to go hit 2 guys at the table next us (they had balloon swords too) and I ran over hit them and ran back. The larger dude ran over and we had an epic duel in the middle of Chili’s and I won”
And with that, dear reader, adieu.

My Blog Has Anemia

Not only has the blog been getting limited traffic, I’ve been giving it minimal attention myself. The reason is that 1) I’m tired. Which is not different from status quo. 2) I’m trying to get resituated in life. 3) I completely blank when I look at the screen begging for words from my face.

Things have happened. It’s not been overly interesting, but it’s been pretty busy, mainly for Mom and O. Mom is working on a costume for the Little Mermaid and O is in rehearsals nearly 24/7. You see, she’s in Winter Haven’s production of The Little Mermaid Jr. And it’s all happening next weekend, so it is “let’s crack down hard and practice ourselves senseless” mode at the theatre right now.

I drove her to practice this morning. The long, roundabout, “scenic” way. I managed to hear “left” instead of “right” at a rather crucial juncture, but thankfully my father saw us take the wrong road and called us. He was coming home from church and his eagle eyes detected my deadly error, much to our benefit. O did finally make it to practice.

The DFL came over for the afternoon. We watched fabulous coloraturas and crazy stage makeup/costuming videos on Youtube. We talked the drama of life and highschool and life. Oh, and did I mention the drama of life? Then we baked random things like donuts and asparagus and we all had dinner together. Dad baked fish and it was delicious.

Then O, DFL and I hung out at the piano. Just like old times.
And for a few minutes, it felt like home. I’m not giving it enough time to find the right rhythm again, but tonight I saw a glimmer of hope. We are all still exhausted: mentally, physically, emotionally. Tensions are high from productions drawing near, jobs ensuing, visitors in the house (myself) and an overwhelming and unanimous desire for it to be like it was. And it can’t be.
But the new will be good to.
It just needs time.