
Good Day

When your alarm goes off, you question how on earth it can be a good day. But when you finally manage to open your eyes and see sunlight softly glinting on the ceiling, even though it’s 7 am, you think, there might be hope for today. And then you sit up and immediately doubt it.

But when you eat a breakfast of oats ‘n’ honey granola topped with craisins, you think, I’m going to try and let this be a good day.

When you haveĀ a very, very, VERY long lab where you had to redo a part of the process and are going to have to book it to make it to chapel on time, you question how good of a day it will be. But when after that lab, you step outside to make it to chapel on time and you smell the wet, crushed leaves, you realize it might not be quite so bad.

And when you get really, really, really good sushi and General Tso’s chicken for lunch (and maybe it was that good because you were ravenous enough to eat bark), you begin to think the stars are singing the background music of your life. And you’re pretty certain it’s a good day. And when you have leftovers for dinner, to boot, you think you might have gotten a good day in spades.

When you get to work and are immediately greeted with, “We’re going to QT!”, you know it’s going to be a good day. Even though it’s already 2:30 in the afternoon. And when you get an ever so tiny but oh, so fulfilling pumpkin spice milkshake at QT, your suspicions of it being a good day are confirmed.

And even though there’s nothing much to do at work, you get to study some for that Biology test tomorrow that’s going to kill your soul, you’re thankful for the extra day before that test takes place. And you’re bored, but it’s better to be bored than frantic, you tell yourself, and remind yourself of the great things that happened today.

Maybe the sponsor staying in your room is nice and friendly and likes doTERRA as much as you do and only adds to the layers of smells in your room (Lavendar and Oregano, anyone?), you remind yourself that not even High School Festival can get the best of God in giving me a good day.

With the promise of Starbucks and those Chinese leftovers looming on the horizon, you’re excited that it will still be a good day. But with the uncertainties of much homework, and busy weekend, and possibly not finishing a friend’s present in time, you forget that it’s been a good day. So you choose to write a blog post to concretely remind yourself that, it has, in fact, been a good day.