
Since there was no Friday post…

Apparently I’m getting a little slapdash with the regularity of my blog posting, but I’m going to pull the whole “I’m in college and have more important things to do with my life (jk, I’m just really tired and have you heard of this thing called facebook?)” card. I got “home” to my dorm room late and was exhausted and I was talking to Twigg so I decided…no blog post.

The concert went fabulously. At least the parts that I saw. We all got on and off stage safely and then we all packed on, across and around Stratton Hall stage for our final number: Arise, Shine! by Dan Forrest. It was glorious. And Dr. Cook smiled. Which is always a good sign. Mainly because it is a rare occurance when the man is under extreme stress.

Then we chilled over milkshakes in the snackshop for a while, with Natasha and her twin and a million other choir people scattered all over everywhere. Our table randomly spun, Twigg grabbed pizza and while she was gone, Citizen Kane and posited how it would make complete sense for her to just disappear and hide in the ceiling tiles.

Today was consumed with a literary critical essay, revision of another paper, piano, hermeneutics homework and now finally music appreciation. I went to dinner with Citizen Kane and his roommate who I am currently struggling to codename. At any rate, we afterwards drifted around in Rodeheaver which was freakishly awesome. I love theatres. And backstages. And prop rooms and tools and weird niches and pretty much anything. That’s how I roll.

And as Citizen Kane and I are walking back to our dorm (the roommate who is yet unnamed had to go do laundry), Twigg pops out my door of Sunday on her way to a concert. After a moment of conversation (she was already late), she facetiously asked if the Citizen would like to go. He (basically) assented and as he did, I told them to have fun and bolted for the door. I think this is because I am a truly depraved human being. And I thought it would be hysterical. And it kind of was. And I feel bad. Because Twigg and Citizen Kane get along…but it’s basically like baking soda and vinegar getting along. There’s much commotion in the process.

I am currently postponing homework in favor of writing this blog post and also awaiting the outcome of the concert. I shall let all you avid readers (there are so very many of you) know if one of them does not return alive.

It Was Saturday

Apparently I was too scattered yesterday to remember a rather momentous event: I talked to Steve for the first time in over a month. It was amazing. And wonderful. And really nice to catch up.

Once again, I am alone in my room. And seriously, I’m getting a bit spoiled. I’m not going to know how to deal with two roommates tomorrow night.

Today was filled with homework. Drawing, piano, and all the rest. But I’m pretty much done for the week so YEEHAW. I successfully avoided a social function in the evening and didn’t even see Twigg until the very end of today. I spoke to her father for the first time, making my characteristically awkward first impression. I also drank two cups of hot chocolate today. Extravagence in the extreme.

Oh. And I wrote more story.
That’s cause for celebration.

On My Own…:)

All alone…pretending they’re beside me…
Just kidding. I’m not. I have the room to myself since Ninja Penguin works custodial and Archangel is out of town. I also ate dinner alone, but that turned out to be nice. The book I’m currently stuck in is ridiculously fascinating.

I slept in for an extra twenty minutes today. Because my 8 o’ clock class was cancelled due to my teacher being in New England or some other such place. He was kind enough to record a lecture for us, so I watched that during my normal class period and then rushed off to my normal schedule.
But that twenty minutes was lovely.

I have been struggling to write a simple paper. That sucked up most of my evening. Also, I was messing around on fb, texting and being willingly distracted by roommates and friends (I have not been alone for the whole day. After all, this is college). Which meant that I forgot to write on this blog until about five minutes ago. So I forgot to plan something for it. Which is why I’m rambling…So sorry!

I have nothing else clever or interesting to relate. I feel like a say that a lot these days. But such is college.

A Day, In Separate Statements

In the words of Citizen Kane, let me break this down for you.

I slept in.
I worked out.
I ate breakfast in my room.
I wrote, rewrote, edited and finished a thesis and outline for Monday.
I drew for three hours in the Student Center.
I finally finished my drawing for art.
I proofed and finished two other papers I had due and emailed them to myself in addition to the outline.
I ate dinner.
I printed my items in the music library.
Ninja Penguin laughed herself silly at something I said that wasn’t really that amusing, but she has a random case of the giggles.
I “learned” about different poetic meters and how to identify them.
I scooped the remains of my liquified brain off the floor and proceeded to call my mom.
I talked to my mom for roughly two hours.
I got more exercise as I paced talking to my mom.
I do not stand still while on the phone.
It is physically impossible.
I finished up my hermeneutics homework.
Twig related a harrowing tale of a four mile run that was wildly entertaining because…it was told by Twigg.
She has the gift.
I wrote my blog
I shall go to bed.

The end.

Health Bars and Saturday

Saturdays are the days I do all the homework I have for the week. Which means I stay holed up in my room for nearly the entire day, only emerging from the dorm twice: once to practice piano and once to eat dinner in the dining common. And even at that I skitter around quickly to avoid as much daylight and human contact as possible.

I’m incredibly social and sociable during the week. I am inundated with humanity. Almost without end. And I love most of these people, at least the ones I know. But the problem is that I’m also crammed alongside hundreds of people I DON’T know every day, and even the ones I know wear me out. You see, I’m an introvert. Most people don’t realize this because I’m a really good at being out-going. But imagine to yourself that each of us has a “health” bar floating over our heads.

Different things drain our health bars: bad tests, not enough sleep or food, and for some people, social interaction actually boosts the bar. People actually radically diminish my health bar. I love hanging out with my friends. But I can only do it so long before I’m in a virtual coma and my health bar is flashing red. This is why Saturday is important.

On Saturday, I sleep in. Health bar stops flashing red. Then I stay in my room. The health bar starts to fill. I get to do a decent lengthed devotion. Then onto homework for the majority of the day. And today, part of my homework constituted reading fictional short stories. That was “homework”. I mean seriously, people. That’s like showing up to PE one day and them saying, “Today we’re going to demonstrate the benefits of eating ice cream,” and proceed to pass out sundaes. Ok, maybe not an exact parallel, but that’s what it felt like. The health bar is now completely filled and hopefully ready to take on another week.

Defying Discovery: My harrowing experience in the laundry room

Today was exciting.
I slept late. Ate cereal for breakfast. Did some laundry. Went to CVS and bought some minor food supplies including milk. And then homework.
Oh wait. That’s not the definition of exciting.

But today WAS a good day. For all the reasons listed above. I feel rested, I stayed in my room instead of going to the dining common, I was able to snag a washer and drier (miracle unto itself) and then I got to leave campus for a while to go to one of my favorite places. And yes. Sadly, CVS is one of my favorite places to go to. Homework was all right, not overly problematic or wonderful, but at least I got some done. That soothes my soul.

Probaby the most exciting thing I did today DID have to do with laundry, which is probably the most prosaic thing on the planet. I got my laundrey washed without incident. When my washing was done, I needed a drier. We have a dearth of driers. So, with bated breath and a prayer, I checked each and every drier. They were all full or running. On the middle drier (the only one finished) a sign was posted that read, “Please do not take the clothes out of a still running drier! Please wait your turn!” I evaluated the situation. I did not want the wrath of some unknown person or BJU’s version of laundry karma descending upon my head. BUT, the drier HAD finished running as stipulated by the sign. Tentatively opening the drier, I felt one of the pieces of clothing. It was dry. I pulled the shirt out and made sure that it was completely dry. It was. Covertly, darting glances over my shoulder (touching other people’s things is a capital offence around here), I proceeded to take all the laundry out and fold it as fast as I was able. I probably could have just put it in her laundry bag she had sitting there, but I felt a little guilty still because of the sign and all. I felt certain that I would get caught and that someone would throw me in the stocks for folding someone else’s sweatpants. Then I threw my own clothes and the drier and scampered away before anyone could find me. When I went back to retrieve my own laundry, the pile of clean, folded clothes was gone and no hate mail remained, so I heaved a sigh of relief.

That’s as exciting as it got today. But then I Skyped my family. And the DFL who happens to live at my house now, or so it seems. Which is okay. I’m glad he gets along with my family as well as I do. Especially since they need someone to fill the crazy, creative, neurtic and funny hole I left behind. He’ll do quite well.